Planning policy
New Local Plan Review - Examination
Local Plan
The London Plan
Neighbourhood planning
The Borough is home to two Neighbourhood Plans. Documents which form part of the development plan for their areas.
Article 4 directions
Supplementary planning documents and guidance
Information on borough-wide and place-specific supplementary planning documents and guidance (SPD and SPG) which provide guidance on the Council's planning policies and processes.
Search consultations
Search consultations.
Searchable planning map
Planning Register Part 3: Local Development Orders
Local Development Scheme
The Council's timetable for planning policy documents over coming years.
Statement of Community Involvement
Information about how people can engage with the planning system, including through planning applications, planning policy and neighbourhood plans.
Read our annual monitoring report for updates on our planning policies and other information.
Submission Core Strategy
Information on the submission core strategy which has incorporated recommended changes resulting from regulation 27 consultation.
Core Strategy Examination
Inspector's binding report which confirms that the Core Strategy is a sound document subject to some amendments
Core Strategy Evidence Base Documents
Information about previous core strategy evidence base documents.
Sustainability Appraisal
Archived information on the Council's Sustainability Appraisal for the Draft Core Strategy
Development plan
Information about development plan documents.
Affordable Housing Viability
Information on affordable housing viability studies which inform preparation of local development frameworks.
Core Strategy: Past Consultations
The Local Development Framework is the collection of local development documents produced by theCouncil which collectively delivers the spatial planning strategy for the Borough
Scoping report Vol 2
Download the full scoping report, volume 2 for baseline figures.
Towards preferred options
Towards Preferred Options Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan This document combined the Core Strategy and the North Kensington Area Action Plan, which we consulted on earlier in the year
Wornington Green SPD
Information about the Wornington Green Estate supplementary planning document with reports for download.
Core Strategy Representors' Documents
This page contains the list of the representor's documents which are documents related to the examination process
Core Strategy Hearing Library
The preparation of the Submission Core Strategy has been informed by a wide range of key documents
Noise SPD
The Noise Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out the Councils supplementary planning advice for controlling noise from new development and protecting noise sensitive new development from existing noise.
Air Quality SPD
The Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out the Councils requirements for improving air quality in new development, conversions and change of use
Warwick Road SPD
On the 11 January 2008, the Royal Borough adopted the Warwick Road Planning Brief Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Designing out crime
The Designing Out Crime SPD sets out the commitment of the Royal Borough to crime prevention
Princess Louise Hospital SPD
On the 29 December 2006, the Royal Borough adopted the first document of the Local Development Framework (LDF).
Basements Review: Past Consultations
Download responses to basements publication planning policy review from past consultations in 2014.
Sustainably retrofitting your home
Conservation and Design Review: Former Consultation
Former consultation conservation and design core strategy review
Conservation and Design Review: Draft Policy Consultation
As part of the Core Strategy review we are updating our policies on conservation and design.
Miscellaneous Matters Review: Past Consultation
Download Miscellaneous Matters policy information from past consultations in 2012 and 2013.
Summary of public consultation
Download summary report and appendices about ambitions for Notting Hill Gate exhibition held in September 2013.
Royal Brompton Hospital
Information about The Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust (RBHT) planning brief for sites in Chelsea.
Kensal Gasworks Strategic Site
Kensal Gasworks Strategic Site Issues and Options consultation
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
Download the strategic flood risk assessment report. It helps the Council develop sustainable site allocations away from flood risk areas.
Trees and Development Supplementary Planning Document
The SPD was adopted by the Council on the 20 April 2010
Unitary Development Plan
Information about the Unitary Development Plan (UDP). This has now been superseded.
Notting Hill Gate
Information on Notting Hill Gate's draft Supplementary Planning Documents
Westway Supplementary Planning Document
Information about the Westway supplementary planning document which was adopted in 2012. Documents are available to download.
Natural History Museum Grounds Development Framework Planning Guidelines
Information about the development framework planning for the Natural History Museum Grounds.
Shopfront Design Guide SPD
Information on our Shopfront Design Guidelines Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). It was adopted in November 2011 and can be downloaded.
Silchester Garages Supplementary Planning Document
Information about the supplementary planning document for Silchester garages.
Kensington Academy and Leisure Centre Planning Brief
Planning Brief and supporting documents for Kensington Academy and Leisure Centre.
Access Design Guide
Information about Access Design Guide supplementary planning document and our aim to create an inclusive and accessible environment in the borough.
Building height supplementary planning document
Section 106
Information about Section 106 or 'planning obligations' agreements.
Conservation and Design Review: Submission
Conservation and Design Policy Submission - index of documents
Miscellaneous Matters Review: Submission
Download miscellaneous matters policy review from past consultations in 2013.
Public Houses and Local Character Review: Submission
Information and policies about resisting the loss of public houses and other facilities which make life local.
Public Houses and Local Character Review Examination
Information about the examination of the draft policy for the protection of public houses and other uses.
Core Strategy Review Common Submission Documents
Download documents for reference which were relevant to submitted policies on basements, conservation and design and miscellaneous matters.
Core Strategy Review Examination
Information relating to a partial review of the core strategy
Crossrail 2
Crossrail 2 - a proposal for a major new rail link connecting southwest and northeast London
Crossrail 2 consultation
Information about the Crossrail 2 consultation which took place in 2013 including the Council's responses.
Sustainable Drainage Systems
Information on the requirement to provide sustainable drainage systems for planning applications.
Critical drainage areas
Maps outlining critical drainage areas in the borough.
Heythrop College
Information on Heythrop College in Kensington Square which is closing in December 2018 with supplementary planning documents for download.
Crossrail 2 in Chelsea – an initial response to TfL’s consultation report
Crossrail 2 in Chelsea – an initial response to TfL’s consultation report
Basements SPD, April 2016
Information on the Basements Supplementary Planning Document which was adopted by the Council on 14 April 2016.
Transport and Streets SPD, April 2016
Information about the Transport and Streets supplementary planning document (SPD) which the Council adopted in April 2016.
Carbon Offset Fund
Guidance on the Zero Carbon Homes Standard and the Council's Carbon Offset Fund.
Brownfield Land Register
Information about the Council’s Brownfield Land Register.
Archived Statement of Community Involvement
About the archived Statement of Community Involvement.
Community Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The Council’s Leadership Team adopted the RBKC Community Housing SPD on 03 June 2020.
Housing Delivery Test Action Plan
This action plan sets out key priorities and actions that the Council are undertaking to improve housing supply.
Response to Government Consultations
Information from the council on the response to government consultations.
Greening SPD
Information about the Greening Supplementary Planning Document.
Royal Brompton Hospital SPD
Planning and Place business plan 2020-21
Kensal Canalside Opportunity Area SPD
Latimer Road Design Code SPD
Place shaping
Lots Road South SPD
Self-build and custom build
Planning Policy Consultations
Supporting documents
supporting documents notting hill gate sustainability appraisal equalities impact assessment policy and guidance impact assessment statement of consultation
Community Infrastructure Levy (Archive)
Archived documents relevant to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Information on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), and your obligations when making planning applications.
Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL)
A portion of the Community Infrastructure Levy is to be spent on local priorities - this is called Neighbourhood CIL (NCIL)