Submission Core Strategy
The Core Strategy was submitted to the Secretary of State on 19 March 2010. The plan is now subject to examination by an independent Inspector from the Planning Inspectorate.
Submission Core Strategy, incorporating recommended changes resulting from Regulation 27 Consultation:
Section 1 (chapters 1 to 4: Introduction chapters from Setting the Scene to Delivering Success: our Spatial Strategy) [PDF] (warning: large file size 11.55Mb)
Section 2 (chapters 5 to 13: Places chapters: Kensal to Brompton Cross) [PDF] (warning: large file size 12.35Mb)
Section 3 (chapters 14 to 27: Places and Strategic Sites) [PDF] (warning: large file size 18.72Mb)
Section 4 (chapters 28 to 34: Development Management Policies) [PDF] (warning: large file size 12.41Mb)
Section 5 (chapters 35 to 41: Development Management Policies, Monitoring, Risks and Contingencies, Housing Trajectory and Policy Replacement Schedule) [PDF] (warning: large file size 3.58Mb)
The Proposals Map Changes (this document is part of the Submission Core Strategy, incorporating recommended changes):
Section 1 (pages 368 to 383 of the Submission Core Strategy) [PDF] (warning: very large file size 23.95Mb)
Section 2 (pages 384 to 400 of the Submission Core Strategy) [PDF] (warning: very large file size 25.18Mb)
Section 3 (pages 401 to 424 of the Submission Core Strategy) [PDF] (warning: very large file size 30.13Mb)
Section 4 (pages 425 to 486 of the Submission Core Strategy: also includes Supporting Information: Evidence Base, Relationship to the Community Strategy and Glossary) [PDF] (warning: very large file size 23.31Mb)
Last updated: 29 November 2019