Brownfield Land Register

Brownfield Land Register

The Council's Brownfield Land Register provides up-to-date and consistent information on sites that we consider to be appropriate for residential development. We review our register at least once a year.

The register is in two parts:

We currently only have sites listed in part 1 because there are no sites that have been granted permission in principle.

All the sites on the brownfield register are mapped. Select the relevant layer to view.

Brownfield Land Register 2021

Brownfield Land Register 2020

Brownfield Methodology Report

Why are we publishing a Brownfield Land Register?


The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 introduced a requirement on local planning authorities to prepare, maintain and publish registers of previously developed (brownfield) land. Brownfield sites that meet the relevant criteria must be entered in Part 1 of brownfield land registers. Sites entered in Part 2 of the brownfield land registers are granted permission in principle.

Part 1 of a brownfield land register includes sites with extant full planning permission, outline planning permission and those sites without planning permission which do have a potential for residential development.

Part 2 of a brownfield land register is a subset of Part 1. Part 2 is not mandatory to produce but should comprise only those sites in Part 1 that the local planning authority has decided to grant ‘permission in principle’ for residential development.

At the present time the Council has included sites only in Part 1. No sites have been granted permission in principle and therefore none are included in Part 2 of the proposed brownfield land register.

The format of the brownfield land register is as set out in the brownfield land register data standard published by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). This was updated on 31 October 2019.

The Council is required to update the register at least once a year. 

Why are sites included in the Brownfield Land Register?


The Council has included sites on the brownfield register that it considers meet the criteria in the Regulations. These criteria are set out in Regulation 4. This includes sites:

  • larger than 0.25 hectares; or
  • capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings; and
  • which are “suitable, available and achievable” for residential development.

In particular, the sites on the register include those:

  • which have an extant planning permission, and where the Council is satisfied that the site is likely to be build out in accordance with that permission;
  • which have had a planning permission, where this permission has expired but where the Council is satisfied that a new permission is likely to be forthcoming and/ or where development is likely;
  • all proposed site allocations in the adopted Local Plan or the St Quintin and Woodlands Neighbourhood Plan. All of these sites are considered “suitable, available and achievable.” Many will benefit from planning permissions or have been the subject with ongoing discussions with the landowners; 
  • those on the Council’s New Home Program. This will include those which benefit from a planning permission and those where planning permission will be sought in the near future.

For sites of 0.25 ha or more the best available information is used to ascertain if they are ‘deliverable’. For smaller sites of less than 0.25 ha sites with planning permission are assumed to complete within the next five years. 
Based on the above methodology the Brownfield Land Register 2020 contains 49 sites in total. 15 sites have been removed from the 2019 register, and 9 new sites added. 

The total net additional dwellings in the borough amount to a minimum of 7,189.

The sites on the brownfield register can viewed on the Council’s website.

Detailed guidance is set out in the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) on brownfield land registers. 

An Equality Impact Analysis was prepared with the first version of the register published in 2017 and remains relevant to this review. 

Brownfield Land Register 2019

Brownfield Land Register 2018

Brownfield Land Register map

Brownfield Land Register 2017


Last updated: 16 June 2022