Royal Brompton Hospital SPD

In February 2021 the Royal Brompton & Harefield Foundation Trust merged with St Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. This merger will likely result in the relocation of all services currently provided at the Brompton site in Chelsea, allowing for the sale of the site and possible redevelopment. 
Given the Royal Brompton’s longstanding international recognition as a centre for excellence in the research and treatment of heart and lung conditions, the Council wishes to ensure that a principal healthcare use remains on the site if the Brompton do vacate. This supplementary planning document (SPD) contains guidance on how medical uses can be viably retained and enhanced as part of a site-wide masterplan approach.  
The draft SPD was subject to a six-week public consultation between 18 November and 30 December 2020. Comments submitted during this consultation and responses from the Council can be found in the link below. 
The SPD was adopted by Key Decision on 21 May 2021. 

Royal Brompton Hospital Supplementary Planning Documents





Last updated: 5 July 2021