Designing out crime
The Designing Out Crime SPD sets out the commitment of the Royal Borough to crime prevention, what to consider during the preparation of a scheme, and how the Metropolitan Police Crime Prevention Design Adviser can help. The SPD also provides guidance for developers and planners to ensure that all development proposals incorporate the principles of designing out crime.
The SPD supplements Unitary Development Plan Policy CD39 and emerging policies in the Local Development Framework (LDF).
The draft SPD was published for consultation for six-weeks, from 21 May 2007 to the 2 July 2007.
The SPD was adopted by the Council on the 17 January 2008.
The SPD, together with all other supporting documents, are available to download below.
Designing Out Crime SPD [PDF] (file size 709Kb)
Adoption statement [PDF] (file size 76Kb)
Sustainability Appraisal [PDF] (file size 703Kb)
Hard copies of the documents are also available for inspection at the Planning Information Desk, Town Hall and at all local libraries in the Royal Borough.
For further information, please contact the Planning Line on 020 7361 3012 or email [email protected].
Last updated: 12 May 2020