New Local Plan Review
In 2020, the Council started a New Local Plan Review (NLPR) as we progress through its production this page will be updated with new information.
Stage 3: Draft Policies Consultation
- 9 February – 23 March 2022 (consultation closed)
Following the previous two consultations listed below that helped us understand the issues to include in the NLPR and the options to address these, we wrote Draft Policies and consulted on them. We are now considering the responses to this consultation to prepare the next Publication stage for consultation in autumn 2022.
Stage 2: Borough Issues and Options Consultation
- 26 July – 4 October 2021 (Consultation closed)
We consulted in September 2020 (below) asking about the issues the NLPR must address. We considered the responses received and the emerging evidence and consulted on realistic options to address these issues.
Stage 1: Borough Issues Consultation
- 29 September – 10 November 2020
This Issues document was the first stage of drafting our new Local Plan. We undertook this early engagement to give our residents and our local businesses an opportunity to help shape the Plan before pen is put to paper.
Local Plan
On 11 September 2019, the Council adopted its Local Plan Partial Review (LPPR) Publication Policies, February 2017. This includes a new Foreword written by the Leader, Cllr Elizabeth Campbell. The adopted Local Plan incorporates both the ‘main modifications’ recommended by the Inspector and the ‘minor/additional modifications’ published by the Council.
The Local Plan is also available to download in three sections as follows:
You can contact the Planning Policy team on [email protected],uk of you would like a hard copy of the Local Plan. The cost is £52. The Proposal Map will cost an additional £16.
The Local Plan was adopted at the Full Council meeting on 11 September 2019. Watch a webcast of the meeting. Further details of the meeting, and the decision, can be seen on the Meetings page.
As required by Regulations 26 of the Town and County Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended) the Council must make available:
The Council carried out the sustainability appraisal for the LPPR within a wider Integrated Impact Assessment (IIP). Two documents are of particular relevance:
Integrated Impact Assessment (May 2017)
Integrated Impact Assessment Addendum (July 2018)
IIA Adoption Statement (September 2019)
These documents are also available for inspection during normal office hours at Kensington Town Hall and local libraries. See the Library pages for details.
A short briefing note has been prepared which sets out the principal changes introduced by the LPPR.
Full details about the preparation and examination of the LPPR can been seen on the Local Plan Examination page.
Neighbourhood Plans
The Borough is home to two Neighbourhood Plans which also form part of the development plan for their areas: