Transport and Streets SPD, April 2016
The Council adopted the Transport and Streets SPD on 20 April 2016. The Transport and Streets SPD provides more detailed guidance and advice on the adopted Local Plan Policies CT1 (Improving Alternatives to Car Use), CR1 (Street Network), CR3 (Street and Outdoor Life), CR4 (Streetscape) and CR7 (Servicing).
It is designed to help applicants make successful planning applications and for residents to understand the various issues that the Council will consider in assessing planning applications that have implications for the borough's streets and transport networks. Applicants should follow the guidance in the Transport and Streets SPD when submitting their planning application alongside meeting the requirements of the Consolidated Local Plan in particular Chapters 32 (Better Travel Choices) and 33 (An Engaging Public Realm). Depending on the case there may be other planning policies that also apply.
Links to previous consultations on the drafts of the Transport and Streets SPD
Last updated: 6 July 2020