Development plan
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Development plan documents
Development plan documents are those documents which equate most closely to the Royal Borough's current Unitary Development Plan and will be given the greatest weight when determining planning applications.
Given their importance, development plan documents will be subject to rigorous procedures involving community involvement and formal testing through an independent examination. They will be adopted by the Council after receipt of the Inspector's binding report.
Development plan documents may include:
Our core strategy
This will set out the vision, objectives and spatial strategy for the Royal Borough. It is likely to include a requirement for new housing derived from the London Plan as well as other strategic development needs such as employment, retail, leisure and community uses and transport development. All of the Council's other development plan documents must be in conformity with this core strategy.
Site specific allocations of land
These will include allocations for specific uses on specific sites within the borough
Generic development control policies
These are a limited suite of policies which will be in accordance with the Core Strategy. These policies will set out the criteria against which planning applications will be considered.
Development plan documents may include a proposals map.
Last updated: 29 November 2019