Kensal Canalside Opportunity Area SPD

Kensal Canalside is one of 48 Opportunity Areas within the London Plan, 2021 and the largest brownfield site within the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The Kensal Canalside Opportunity Area has been allocated to deliver a minimum of 3,500 new homes and 2000 new jobs. There is an opportunity to transform this area into a high-quality, well-connected, attractive and sustainable Canalside neighbourhood for people to live in, work in and visit. 

The Kensal Canalside Supplementary Planning Document provides additional guidance on the application of Development Plan policies for the comprehensive redevelopment of the site. The SPD will be a material planning consideration in the assessment of any scheme within the Kensal Canalside Opportunity Area.

The draft SPD was subject to a six-week public consultation between 12 April and 24th May 2021. Comments submitted during this consultation and responses from the Council can be found in the link below. 
The SPD was adopted by Key Decision on 7 July 2021.

Kensal Canalside Opportunity Area Supplementary Planning Documents

We are currently working on making the below documents accessible. If you require any of these documents in an accessible format or want to request any other related documents, please email [email protected]


Last updated: 16 August 2021