Popular local maps

Popular local maps

These are some of our most requested maps. They print best in colour.

Map of polling stations by district
Map showing the elected ward councillors for each ward within Kensington and Chelsea.

Ward maps with street listings

  1. Dalgarno
  2. St Helen's
  3. Golborne
  4. Notting Dale
  5. Colville
  6. Norland
  7. Pembridge
  8. Holland
  9. Campden
  10. Abingdon
  11. Queen's Gate
  12. Earl's Court
  13. Redcliffe
  14. Courtfield
  15. Brompton and Hans Town
  16. Stanley
  17. Chelsea Riverside
  18. Royal Hospital


Parking services

Other maps of interest


Last updated: 6 May 2022