Report a problem

Problems you can report

You are able to report faults and problems about bins and litter, roads and pavements, street lighting and parking signs, suspected fraud, environment issues such as food safety, health and safety, noise and nuisance, planning breaches, parks and trees. 

How to report a problem

You can report faults and problems directly through your MyRBKC account. You can also use the online forms below.  

Important information: All reports are dealt with individually so you can only report one problem at a time. 

  1. Find out what information you need to report faults and problems through a MyRBKC Account.

  2. Use this online form to report a food safety concern. Examples: suspected food poisoning or illegally imported food.

  3. Use this online form to report a health and safety concern in a shop, hotel, restaurant or any other commercial property (not residential).

  4. Use this form to report a noise or nuisance problem within the borough. Examples: loud music, DIY, building or road works, loud vehicles, alarms and more.

  5. Use this form to report a problem in a park. Examples: accidents, antisocial behaviour broken benches or bins and more.

  6. Use this form to report a planning breach. Examples: a breach of planning permission, demolition in conservation area, unauthorised advert or board or tables and chairs.

  7. Use this form to report a problem with roads and pavements. Examples: broken or damaged pavements, kerbs, guard rails, bollards or potholes.

  8. Use this form to report a street lighting or parking sign problem. Examples: damaged parking signs, illuminated signs, lampposts and  street lights.

  9. Use this online form to report a problem on a street. Examples: abandoned vehicles, graffiti, flyposting, dumped rubbish or deceased animals.

  10. Use this form to report suspected fraud. You can raise your concerns regarding suspected fraud and corruption within or against the Council by completing this form. 

  11. Use this form to report a problem with trees managed by the Council.

  12. Use this form to report a missed waste collection or a problem with your waste collection.

  13. Use this form to request a waste collection or inform us to resume a waste collection.   

  14. To report a water leak in the street, please contact Thames Water on 0800 714 614 or report it on the Thames Water website.

  15. Find out what information you need to report a problem with street name signs.

  16. Find out how to report a problem with traffic lights and other road issues.

  17. Use this online form to report a problem about the website. You can report pages with broken links, PDFs or documents that do not open, videos or media files that do not open or play, pages with misspellings, telephone numbers that do not work and general feedback about the website. 

  18. Aspernatur enim soluta doloribus temporibus beatae laudantium magni. Doloribus odit pariatur ut non. Atque dignissimos velit. Perferendis placeat natus iure voluptatum maiores corporis. Nam perferendis culpa natus dicta quidem adipisci repudiandae sunt vero.

  19. A brand new problem

Last updated: 20 May 2024