Use this form to report a noise or nuisance problem within the borough
If you are experiencing noise or nuisance from within the borough but the cause is outside of the borough boundary, please select a location as close to the borough boundary as possible and include a description of where the problem is happening.
Before you start, you will need:
- to know if this is noise or nuisance has already been reported. If yes, then your 6-digit case reference number and the email address you used to first report the problem.
- type of noise or nuisance
- the location of the noise or nuisance
- the date you noticed the problem
- to confirm if the noise is happening now
- a description of the problem or incident
- to provide evidence (optional)
- to provide your contact details
Things you can report
- loud and amplified music
- building works
- noise from parties
- footsteps
- talking
- poor sound insulation (Example: voices or audible living noise)
- intruder alarm
- vehicle alarm (car or motorbike)
- raised voices or shouting (Example: noisy patrons outside a pub)
- machinery or fixed plant noise (Example: kitchen extract equipment)
- roadworks
- garden or outdoor space maintenance equipment noise
- loud TV or radio
- DIY (building works carried out by occupier)
- buskers
- noisy animals (other than barking dogs)
- domestic appliance noise (Example: washing machine)
- traffic or cars (including racing or revving vehicles)
- dog barking
- delivery noise (Example: early or late delivery noise)
- railway noise (including underground train noise or vibrations)
- fireworks
- public address system (Example: station platform announcements)
- air conditioning unit
- smell (Example: cooking smells from restaurant)
- smoke (Example: from a BBQ)
- light pollution (light nuisance from floodlights)
- fumes, gases, steam, etc (Example: steam from flue)
- dust or grit from building site or roadworks
- bonfires
What will happen to my report?
After you have submitted your form, we will email you immediately to confirm we have received it and that we are dealing with it.
If the problem being reported is happening now we will aim to contact you within 30 minutes unless you are reporting the issue between 3am and 7am Sunday to Thursday or 5am and 7am Friday and Saturday. If the problem is not happening now we will contact you by the end of the next working day.
Other ways to report a noise or nuisance problem within the borough