Flooding: who to contact, advice and managing risk

Managing the risk of flooding – Sustainable Drainage Systems

With over 20,000 properties at risk of flash flooding in the Borough, there is the need to slow the flow of water from roofs and paved areas into the combined sewer network. This can be done by constructing or installing Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) to intercept and slow down water rather than letting it go straight into the sewer. 

You can find more information about the types of SuDS and some examples of SuDS schemes that have been constructed in the Borough in the Slowing the flow of rainwater in Kensington and Chelsea storymap.

Examples of SuDS

Residents and property owners can take the following steps themselves to reduce their contribution to the risk of flooding in the Borough:

  • Consider installing a water butt or planter where there is an accessible downpipe to capture rainwater. Not only will this intercept some of the rain before it gets to the sewer, but it will also provide a source of water for watering plants.
  • Choose green over grey – green roofs, SuDS planters and rain gardens should be the default decision.
  • Replace any hard surfaces with permeable surfaces or surfaces that will allow water to penetrate through spaces in between slabs.
  • Don’t pour any fats, oil or grease down the drain and don’t flush anything that shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet. The sewer network in the Borough is combined and therefore blockages caused by debris or fat bergs can result in property flooding.

Planning Applications

Separate guidance is available for the sustainable drainage requirements associated with planning applications

Last updated: 20 February 2023