Flooding: who to contact, advice and managing risk

Flooding advice – plan and prepare before a flood

There are some steps you can take to prepare yourself and your property for flooding, including:

  • Check your household insurance covers flood damage
  • Sign up to GOV.UK's flood warnings and the Met Office weather warnings.
  • Register for Priority Services with utility providers if you are eligible (link to Disruption to Services page)
  • Install or obtain measures such as flood barriers, toilet pan covers or air brick covers to your property to divert water away and prevent it entering.
  • Save useful contacts in your phone, such as your insurance provider (with you Policy Number), Housing Association, Thames Water, the Council and Floodline.
  • Make sure you know how to turn off your gas, water and electrical supplies in an emergency.
  • Put an emergency grab bag together.

For more information see advice from the London Fire Brigade and National Flood Forum.

Last updated: 20 February 2023