Flooding: who to contact, advice and managing risk

Who to contact during a flood


During a flooding event, if you are vulnerable or feel that lives are at risk, contact the emergency services on 999 for immediate assistance and rescue. 


If the issue is urgent but not life threatening, please use the following contact numbers:


If flood water is coming from your toilet, sink, internal or external drains, or from a sewer manhole in the road, please contact on 0800 316 9800 (24-hour service)

Council’s Streetline

If flood water is on the road or pavement and is unable to drain due to a blocked gully, please contact the Council’s Streetline – 020 7361 3001 (available 08:30 – 17:30)

Evironment Agency

If flood water is coming from the River Thames, please contact the Environment Agency incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60 (24-hour service)

For more information on how to stay safe during a flood, speak to a Floodline adviser on 0345 988 1188 (24-hour service) or see advice from the London Fire Brigade.

Flooding updates

Important information may also be shared during a flood event through the following official Social Media channels.

Last updated: 20 February 2023