Flooding: who to contact, advice and managing risk

Are you at risk of flooding?

Are you at risk of flooding?

The main source of flooding in the Borough is from torrential rainfall inundating drainage and sewer networks, also known as flash flooding. Properties with existing lower ground floors or basements are particularly vulnerable from flood water coming back through the property’s sewer network or down staircases and light wells.

Flooding from surface water 

You can check your risk of flooding from surface water – which is flash flooding from torrential rainfall - on the GOV.UK flood risk checker.

Flooding from the River Thames

The River Thames presents little or no risk to the homes and businesses in the Borough. If you are worried about the risk of being flooded by the River Thames you should contact the Environment Agency on 0345 988 1188, or visit the Environment Agency website.

Last updated: 20 February 2023