The Council is proposing to improve pedestrian facilities at the following three traffic signal-controlled junctions along the north-south Beaufort Street - Drayton Gardens corridor.
Old Brompton Road / Drayton Gardens / Bina Gardens
Fulham Road / Beaufort Street / Drayton Gardens
- King’s Road / Beaufort Street
Improving pedestrian facilities at King’s Road / Beaufort Street and Fulham Road / Beaufort Street is one of our long-term aspirations.
Transport for London (TfL) manages the installation, operation and maintenance of all traffic signals in London. Introducing new pedestrian phases at traffic lights on our busy urban streets, inevitably causes additional delays to vehicular traffic, including buses and a potential for greater queuing. We therefore needed to work with TfL and its traffic modellers to gain its agreement before proposing such changes. Furthermore, as Fulham Road is part of the Strategic Road Network, TfL needed to approve the design and impact on network capacity of any such improvements.
Improving pedestrian facilities at Old Brompton Road / Drayton Gardens / Bina Gardens is a more recent aspiration and this is the first time that we have pursued it. We have received seven requests for pedestrian facilities here in the last twelve months.
Because of their proximity on two of our busiest principal roads, and their potential impact on each other, we developed and modelled the proposals for the King’s Road and Fulham Road junctions with Beaufort Street in tandem. Old Brompton Road / Drayton Gardens / Bina Garden lies on a quieter part of our road network, so was modelled separately.
Under its Healthy Streets agenda, TfL is supportive of schemes that improve facilities and/or safety for pedestrians and cyclists and has now approved our proposed improvements at all three junctions for consultation.
Proposals and implications
The proposals for each junction are summarised in the table below and the proposed layouts are also on this website.
We will also provide Pedestrian Countdown signals and Advanced Stop Lines for cyclists on all arms of each junction.
Summary of each proposal
- Old Brompton Road / Drayton Gardens / Bina Gardens
- Current Number of Pedestrian Facilities: 0
- Proposed Number of Pedestrian Facilities: 4 – one across each arm of the junction
- Proposed cycle facilities: Maintain existing Advanced Stop Lines for cyclists on all 4 arms at 5 metres deep
- Fulham Road / Beaufort Street / Drayton Gardens
- Current Number of Pedestrian Facilities: 0
- Proposed Number of Pedestrian Facilities: 4 – one across each arm of the junction
- Proposed cycle facilities: Upgrade existing Advanced Stop Lines for cyclists on all 4 arms to 5 metres deep
- King’s Road / Beaufort Street
- Current Number of Pedestrian Facilities: 1 – across the eastern arm of the junction
- Proposed Number of Pedestrian Facilities: 3 – across the eastern, northern and southern arms of the junction
- Proposed cycle facilities: Upgrade Advanced Stop Lines for cyclists from 2 arms to all 4 arms and increase to 5 metres deep
Next steps
The Executive Decision Report on the results of the consultation has now been published. Read the decision details.