Fulham Road / Beaufort Street / Drayton Gardens
There were three reported personal injury collision involving a pedestrian at this junction during the last three years. This junction currently has no pedestrian Green Man crossings. We are proposing an ‘all red’ phase to traffic here which will give straight-across Green Man crossings over all four arms of the junction simultaneously. To install these crossings we also need to widen the pavements on all arms of the junction.
Combined impact of the proposals at both the Fulham Road / Beaufort Street / Drayton Gardens and King’s Road / Beaufort Street junctions
We aim to incorporate the latest traffic signal technology to mitigate the impact on journey times, including;
‘Split Cycle Offset Optimisation Technique’ (SCOOT) - an automated, intelligent traffic signal control system which can dynamically change signal timings to best suit prevailing traffic conditions and reduce stops and delays.
When modelling these two combined proposals, TfL considered the potential impact on general traffic journey times across the following roads:
- A3220 between the A40 Northern roundabout and Battersea Bridge / Beaufort Street.
- A3212 between Battersea Bridge and Vauxhall Bridge.
- A3220 between Cheyne Walk and Battersea Park Road.
General traffic journey times are predicted to increase by a maximum of 30 seconds during the morning peak and to decrease by up to two minutes during the afternoon peak. This is because in order to incorporate these pedestrian crossings without increasing delays, the traffic signals will run on a slighter longer cycle than at present.
The modelling report does not provide general traffic impacts for Fulham Road, King’s Road or Beaufort Street. However, it does forecast impacts on bus journey times along these routes. During the morning peak, the majority of bus routes will see a maximum journey time increase of up to 30 seconds. In the afternoon peak, again most routes will see an increase of up to 30 seconds. In both peaks, journey times on some routes should improve.
Overall, the impact of the changes at the junction of Kings Road / Beaufort Street and Fulham Road / Beaufort Street do not result in major changes on bus routes, with minor increases in journey times for some bus routes, and minor decreases for others.