Thames Tideway Tunnel Project

This webpage contains information regarding the Thames Tideway Tunnel project and the associated planning applications.

Applications to discharge requirements

Thames Water has started submitting applications to discharge Requirements (similar to planning conditions). The applications can be accessed from the planning search webpage. If you do not have a reference number please use the letters TTT in the search box to see all applications.


The Thames Tideway Tunnel will capture the flows of storm sewage from 34 sewer overflow points along the River Thames. The tunnel will run approximately 25 kilometres through the heart of London, and up to 75 meters beneath the River Thames, broadly following the path of the river. In autumn 2008, Thames Water began the process of consulting all the affected boroughs, and other pan-London stakeholders such as the Environment Agency and Greater London Authority. Inputs from this consultation were taken into account in the site assessment methodology. Communities were consulted in January 2011 (Phase One consultation), November 2011 (Phase Two consultation) and July 2012 (Section 48 Publicity) which showed the final plans for the Thames Tideway Tunnel.

The Secretaries of State granted the Thames Tideway Tunnel Development Consent Order on the 12 September 2014. The decision, along with the Council's representations and information regarding the project can be downloaded below. The consented Order documents can also be viewed in the reception of the Town Hall and local libraries. If you need any help viewing these documents please contact the Planning Line on 0207 361 3012.

The Thames Tideway Tunnel will be built by a company called Bazalgette Tunnel Limited - the 'infrastructure provider'. Information about the progress of this project can be found in the Tideway webpage.

See decision documentation and representations

Decision documentation (September 2014) [PDF] (file size 200Kb)

Council's representation to the adequacy of consultation (March 2013)

The Secretary of State for the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) issued a consultation and safeguarding direction for development affecting any Tunnel Alignments (sites and river) for the Thames Tideway Tunnel on 21 December 2012 and on 15 March 2013. In August 2014 Thames Tideway Tunnel published guidelines for developers and local planning authorities. The safeguarding direction and related documents can be downloaded below.

Thames Tideway Tunnel guidelines for developers and planning authorities (August 2014)

December 2012


The Council are holding meetings with Thames Water to discuss the development of the Thames Tideway Tunnel Project. The minutes of the meetings can be downloaded below.

Meeting minutes

Cremorne Wharf meeting November 2010

Previous responses

Responses to previous consultations on the Thames Tideway Tunnel

Read responses

Site Selection Proforma (September 2009)

Exceptional Hardship Policy

Tideway have an Exceptional Hardship Procedure (EHP) and Non-statutory Off-site Mitigation and Compensation Policy for those who can prove they are adversely affected by the project. Information is available on Tideway’s website. If you would like more information, please contact Tideway at: 08000 30 80 80.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this webpage please e-mail the Planning Policy Team at [email protected].

Last updated: 29 November 2019