Parking Permit Calculator
In the autumn of 2020, the Council consulted residents’ associations on a new resident parking permit charging policy, directly linking the price of a permit to a vehicle’s emissions. Improving air quality and tackling climate change are priorities to help make our borough cleaner and greener. The policy has now been approved and came into force on 1 April 2021.
Visit our council page to view the key decisions report on the new policy.
The price of your parking permit may change, depending on your vehicle. To calculate the cost of your car or van parking permit, use our online tool. This will give you a personalised estimate of the cost of your permit. The new permit price will only come into effect when your current permit runs out or if you apply for a new permit after 1 April. The tables below contains information about the cost of motorcycle permits and summarise the changes for car and van permits.
Use the online parking permit calculator
Please note that the price calculated is valid for applications made between 1th April 2022 and 31st March 2023.
- Parking permit prices for motorcycles from 1 April 2022
3 Months 6 Months 12 Months Fully electric motorcycle £22 £22 £22 Combined Motorcycle Permit (to park in motorcycle and resident permit bays) £28.25 £34.50 £47 Permit for parking in resident permit motorcycle bays only £0 £0 £0
- Parking permit prices for cars and vans from 1 April 2022
3 Months 6 Months 12 Months
Base cost of a permit (this would be payable regardless of the type of permit or vehicle and is charged to cover the cost to the Council for issuing a permit which is the same regardless of the length of the permit)£22 £22 £22 Band 1 - Fully electric car or other zero emissions vehicle will be the same price as the base permit price £0 £0 £0 Band 2 -
Price per CO2 g/km (this will be added to the cost of the base permit price)*
£0.25 per CO2 g/km
£0.50 per CO2 g/km £1.00 per CO2 g/km
Unknown emissions for a car or van (Engine size not over 1549cc)
£31.25 £62.50 £125
Unknown emissions for a car or van (Engine size over 1549cc)£43.25 £86.50 £173
Surcharges Diesel Surcharge (pre-Euro 6) including electric diesel/ diesel hybrid registered before 1 September 2015 £16 £32 £64
Second and subsequent (car or van) surcharge£20.75 £41.50 £83 *The maximum CO2 g/km used to generate the cost payable for the “Band 2” element in table above, i.e. before any surcharges are applied, is capped at 250 g/km in 2021/22, 300 g/km in 2022/23 and 350 g/km in 2023/24. From 2024/25 onwards there will be no cap on the maximum cost of a permit.
Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ)
Please note that from 25 October 2021 the Mayor of London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) will be extended to include all roads in Kensington and Chelsea.
Vehicles which do not meet the ULEZ standards will incur a daily charge, if driven on that day, after this date. This will include most petrol cars registered before 2005 and most diesel cars registered before September 2015. Visit the TFL website to check whether your vehicle meets the ULEZ standards.
Electric vehicle charging points
By 1 April 2021, all residents of Kensington and Chelsea who live on a public road will be within 200 metres of at least one electric vehicle charging point. You can find a location near you by visiting our electric vehicles page.