New Homes, Safer Homes

Kelso Cochrane House - 175-177 Kensal Road

A corner view of the exterior of Kelso Cochrane House

Kelso Cochrane House on Kensal Road is one of Phase 1 sites in the Council’s New Homes Programme. It provides 38 new homes – 28 at social rent and 10 at intermediate rent for key workers – alongside a medical centre and supermarket for the local community.

The new homes were officially opened in May 2024 by Kelso Cochrane’s family and Kensington and Chelsea councillors. The supermarket and medical centre will open later this year.

The award-winning development is named in memory of Kelso Cochrane whose life was tragically cut short when attacked and murdered by a gang of white youths in Notting Hill while on his way home in 1959. No-one was ever convicted of his murder and his family and friends continue the fight for justice to this day.

The social rent homes at Kelso Cochrane House are made up of 10 one-bedroom homes, nine two-bedroom homes, eight three-bedroom homes and one four-bedroom home. The key worker homes offer one one-bedroom home, eight two-bedroom homes and one three-bedroom home. All of the key worker homes have now been allocated with the majority of social rent also allocated. Residents started moving in in May 2024.

Official opening of Kelso Cochrane House




Days after the 65th anniversary of Kelso Cochrane’s murder (17 May), Kensington and Chelsea councillors, members of his family and community campaigners came together to officially open Kelso Cochrane House in North Kensington.

At the opening there were several speeches, a bench unveiling in Kelso’s memory by Millie Christian, Kelso’s niece, and Cllr Sof McVeigh, Lead Member for New Homes, as well as a performance of ‘Since Kelso Cochrane Died’ by local calypso singer Alexander D Great.

The new homes deliver on our Council Plan promises to create a greener, safer and fairer borough, as well as our commitment made after Grenfell to build more truly affordable homes for our community.

They are energy efficient, have a heating system which is better for the environment and cheaper than conventional heating, and have well insulated walls and double-glazed windows and doors to retain heat. The homes are also fitted with sprinklers, a fire alarm system and offer automatically opening vents in communal areas to release smoke as well as a CCTV system.

A bare white bedroom showing a built in mirror and full length windows
A white kitchen with full length glass doors
A councillor and Kelso Cochrane family unveil a bench beside a poster of Kelso Cochrane


Kelso Cochrane remembered

Kelso Cochrane House was named after Kelso Cochrane whose life was tragically cut short when attacked and murdered by a gang of white youths in Notting Hill while on his way home in 1959. No-one was ever convicted of his murder and those responsible are still free. His family and friends still continue the fight for justice to this day.

A naming ceremony was held on Wednesday 17 May 2023 – the anniversary of Kelso Cochrane’s death – 64 years since his murder – to ensure Kelso is remembered and never forgotten.

Kelso is very much part of the history of this borough and a reminder of how important striving to be better for all and securing justice is.


Contact us

For all enquiries, please contact us at the following email address: [email protected]

Last updated: 4 June 2024