Performance and spending plans for 2023-24

Western Riverside Waste Authority

The Western Riverside Waste Authority, as a levying body under the above regulations, provides the following information. 

Western Riverside Waste Authority is the statutory waste disposal authority for the London Boroughs of Hammersmith & Fulham, Lambeth and Wandsworth and for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The Authority’s waste management policies are led by the waste hierarchy principles of waste reduction, reuse and recycling, with the balance of residual waste being transported from the Authority’s two transfer stations via the River Thames to an Energy from Waste Facility on the Thames at Belvedere. 

The Authority has therefore already achieved the Mayor of London’s 2025 target of zero municipal waste direct to landfill. The Authority and its constituent councils agreed on a basis of cost apportionment from 2009/10. Under the agreement, which has been extended to run for a further eight years from 2017/18, the Authority recovers the costs of waste delivered by its constituent councils at a rate per tonne according to the nature of the waste recycled or disposed of. There is a residual annual levy, apportioned on the basis of council tax-base, for overheads and civic amenity waste. The estimated costs to constituent councils for 2022/23 compared to the original budgeted cost in 2021/22 are shown in the table below. 

Council 2022/23 Direct costs £'000 2022/23 Levy £'000 2022/23 Total costs £'000

2021/22 Total Costs £'000

Increase / (Decrease) £'000 Increase / (Decrease) %
Hammersmith and Fulham 9,757 862 10,619 10,269 350 3.4
Kensington and Chelsea 9,392 1,019 10,411 9,010 1,401 15.5
Lambeth 15,463 1,165 16,628 16,356 272 1.7
Wandsworth 14,389 1,446 15,835 15,475 360 2.3
Total 49,001 4,492 53,493 51,110 2,383 4.7

Last updated: 22 February 2023