Performance and spending plans for 2023-24

RBKC’s Budget and Council Tax Requirement for 2022/23

The Council will spend £424 million in 2022/23 on a wide range of local services such as:

  • social care
  • the environment
  • leisure facilities
  • highways
  • transport services
  • education and skills development

The charts and table below show the full breakdown of the budget (this excludes Housing Benefit payments and dedicated schools grant which are reimbursed by Government). 

  2021-22 2022-23
  Net £million Spend £million Income £million Net £million
Adult Social Care 39.6 69.3 -30.6 38.6
Public Health 0 21.9 -21.9 0
Children Services 41.5 140.6 -98 42.6
Environment and Communities 25.1 99.7 -75.2 24.5
Housing and Social Investment 8.5 60.3 -49.4 10.9
Resources and Customer Delivery 29.3 203.2 -171.5 31.6
Grenfell Recovery 10.5 9.5   9.5
Total Service Costs 154.5 604.6 -446.7 157.9
Levies 11.3 9.2 0 9.2
Corporate Contingency 5.2 5.3 0 5.3
Pay - NI and national pay settlement -1.7 3.3 0 3.3
Social Care pressures and reforms 0 5 0 5
Inflation and other economic pressures 4 4,6 0 4.6
Corporate Items -2.6 -0.5 -2.4 -2.9
Covid-19 Recovery Framework 8 0 0 0
Transfer from reserves -9.4 0 -8.2 -8.2
Budget Requirements 169.2 631.5 -457.4 174.1
Social Care Grant and New Homes Bonus -6.9 0 -13.4 -13.4
Additional Covid-19 funding -7.4 0 0 0
Retained business rates (including revenue support grant) -63.9 0 -64.3 -64.3
Collection Fund Adjustment 2.7 0 -0.4 -0.4
Total External Funding -75.4 0 -78.1 -78.1
Council Tax Requirement -93.8     -96
Council Tax base 97     97.9
  2021-22 Net £ 2022-23 Net £
Council Tax per Band D Excluding Garden Square levies 949.94 968.88
Greater London Authority Precept 363.66 395.59
Total Band D council tax 1,313.60 1,364.47
Council Tax per Band D with Garden Square levies 967.32 986.61
Greater London Authority Precept 363.66 395.59
Total Band D Council Tax 1,330.98 1,382.20

The Council Tax requirement

The Council Tax requirement after taking into account all income and Government funding is £96.0 million. This is an increase of £2.1 million from 2021/22 broken down as follows:

Budget Change  £million
Inflation and London Living Wage 7,163
Social Care pressure & Reform 5,000
Increase in External Funding (6,902)
Service Pressures 6,657
Service Savings (4,772)
Corporate Budget Reductions (1,993)
Reduction and Collection Fund surplus (3,151)
Other 145
Total Change funded by increase in Council Tax income 2,147

What the Council Spends on

100 per cent spent

How is it paid for?

Council Tax is just one source of the Council’s income. The chart below shows sources of funding per £100 of income:

Infographic showing for each £ spent the source of funding. Business Rates and Revenue Support Grant £12.00, Council Tax £18.00, Fees and Charges £7.00, Government and Other Grants £38.00, Other Income £6.00, Rental Income £9.00, Parking Income £10.00.

Capital Expenditure – Investment into the borough’s homes, roads, schools, leisure facilities.

Capital expenditure
Infographic showing how capital expenditure will be funded. Borrowing         £134,113, Capital Grants & Contributions £6,676, S106/Community Infrastructure Levy Contributions £3,583, Revenue Contribution to Capital Outlay £2,886, and Earmark Reserves £9

Looking beyond 2022/23

The Council has set a balanced budget for the 2022/23 financial year, however there are many challenges ahead. The forecasted budget gap is set to reach between £20m and £30m over the three years from 2023/24 depending on the future of Government grants and funding. Further details on how the Council is addressing these challenges, our pressures and risks over the next few years. are set out in the budget report.  

Last updated: 22 February 2023