Council Tax Reduction scheme

Council Tax Reduction rates for a Single person

Council Tax reduction rates for a single person

An example of how the Council Tax Reduction Scheme could work.


Paulo is a single person who lives in a housing association flat in Council Tax Band C. He cares for an elderly relative and receives Carer’s Allowance. He also earns £40 per week from a part-time job. He gets Universal Credit of £179.94 per week.  

Under the banded income scheme, the council will disregard the Housing Element and the Carer Element of Universal Credit:

£179.94 Universal Credit
£67.60 Carer’s Allowance
£40.00 net earnings
- £140.00 Housing Element
- £37.78 Carer Element   

£109.76 per week for the purpose of the banded income scheme.

The table below applies. Paulo is in the income band £96.01 - £123.19 per week, so he qualifies for 83% reduction under the banded income scheme.

Under the current scheme, he would get a reduction of 82% from the Council Tax.

Council Tax Bands 

To find out your percentage of Council Tax reduction, select your Council Tax Band from the list below.

Band A

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £96pw100%
£96.01 - £116.3983%
£116.40 - £136.7866%
£136.79 - £157.1749%
£157.18 - £177.5632%
£177.57 - £197.9515%
Band B

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £96pw100%
£96.01 - £119.7983%
£119.80 - £143.5866%
£143.59 - £167.3749%
£167.38 - £191.1632%
£191.17 - £214.9515%
Band C

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £96pw100%
£96.01 - £123.1983%
£123.20 - £150.3866%
£150.39 - £177.5749%
£177.58 - £204.7632%
£204.77 - £231.9515%
Band D

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £96pw100%
£96.01 - £126.5983%
£126.60 - £157.1866%
£157.19 - £187.7749%
£187.78 - £218.3632%
£218.37 - £248.9515%
Band E

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £96pw100%
£96.01 - £133.3983%
£133.40 - £170.7866%
£170.79 - £208.1749%
£208.18 - £245.5632%
£245.57 - £282.9515%
Band F

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £96pw100%
£96.01 - £140.1983%
£140.20 - £184.3866%
£184.39 - £228.5749%
£228.58 - £272.7632%
£272.77 - £316.9515%
Band G

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £96pw100%
£96.01 - £146.9883%
£146.99 - £197.9666%
£197.97 - £248.9449%
£248.95 - £299.9232%
£299.93 - £350.9015%
Band H

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £96pw100%
£96.01 - £157.1883%
£157.19 - £218.3666%
£218.37 - £279.5449%
£279.55 - £340.7232%
£340.73 - £401.9015%


Last updated: 22 February 2023