Council Tax Reduction scheme

Council Tax Reduction rates for a couple with one child

Council Tax Reduction rates for a couple with one child

An example of how the Council Tax Reduction Scheme could work.

Latif and Soha

Latif and Soha have one child. They rent privately: the property they rent is in Council Tax Band F. Latif works full time and earns £405 a week after tax and national insurance. They receive Universal Credit of £356.23 a week.

Under the banded income scheme, the council will disregard the Housing Element of Universal Credit, which in their case is £365.92. However, as the Universal Credit is only £356.23 per week, we can only disregard this amount.

£356.23 Universal Credit
£405.00 Earnings
- £356.23 Housing Element (part)

£405.00 per week for the purpose of the banded income scheme.

This is in the income band £380.77 - £424.95, so they qualify for a 15% reduction. Under the current scheme they would not qualify for a reduction.

Latif and Soha, the following month

Looking at the same family a month later, Latif has had a decrease in his pay. He now earns £300, and their Universal Credit has changed to £422.38 per week. 

Their income under the banded scheme is now:

£422.38 Universal Credit
£300.00 Earnings
- £365.92 Housing Element

£356.46 per week for the purpose of the banded income scheme.

They are now in the income band £336.58 - £380.76, so they now qualify for a 32% reduction under the banded income scheme. Under the current scheme, they would get a reduction of 12% from the Council Tax.

Council Tax Bands 

To find out your percentage of Council Tax Reduction, select your Council Tax Band from the list below.

Band A

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £204 pw100%
£204.01 - £224.39 83%
£224.40 - £244.7866%
£244.79 - £265.1749%
£265.18 - £285.5632%
£285.57 - £305.9515%
Band B

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £204 pw100%
£204.01 - £227.7983%
£227.80 - £251.5866%
£251.59 - £275.3749%
£275.38 - £299.1632%
£299.17 - £322.9515%
Band C

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £204 pw100%
£204.01 - £231.19 83%
£231.20 - £258.3866%
£258.39 - £285.5749%
£285.58 - £312.7632%
£312.77 - £339.9515%
Band D

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £204 pw 100%
£204.01 - £234.5983%
£234.60 - £265.1866%
£265.19 - £295.7749%
£295.78 - £326.3632%
£326.37- £356.9515%
Band E

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £204 pw100%
£204.01 - £241.3983%
£241.40 - £278.78 66%
£278.79 - £316.1749%
£316.18 - £353.5632%
£353.57 - £390.9515%
Band F

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £204 pw100%
£204.01 - £248.1983%
£248.20 - £292.3866%
£292.39 - £336.5749%
£336.58 - £380.7632%
£380.77 - £424.9515%


Band G

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £204 pw 100%
£204.01 - £254.9883%
£254.99 - £305.9666%
£305.97 - £356.9449%
£356.95 - £407.9232%
£407.93 - £458.9015%
Band H

Weekly Income% Council Tax Reduction
Up to £204 pw100%
£204.01 - £265.1883%
£265.19 - £326.3666%
£326.37 - £387.5449%
£387.55 - £448.7232%
£448.73 - £509.9015%


Last updated: 22 February 2023