Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Flood Risk Management Strategy

We are responsible for deveoping a Flood Risk Management Strategy under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.

The strategy isn't a formal planning policy. Instead it's wider-ranging strategy that could influence planning policy revisions in the future.

Strategy objectives

Our strategy encourages communities have a greater say in local flood risk management decisions. It is aimed at:

  • residents
  • businesses
  • other members of the public
  • flood risk management authorities

The strategy sets out the roles and responsibilities of flood risk management partners along with the Council’s responsibilties. It has an action plan and five objectives:

  • coordinate the management of flooding from different sources (working in partnership with other flood risk authorities to ensure we are prepared for a flooding event and we can recover promptly);
  • communicate flood risk effectively amongst Council departments, other flood risk authorities and the public;
  • reduce flood risk and its consequences;
  • gather information and undertake research about flood risk (which could aid a future policy review);
  • undertake a review of planning policies to ensure flood risk is fully addressed

Read about our responsibilities as a lead local flood authority.

Monitoring the strategy

The strategy is a living document, evolving as new information becomes available. We formally review it every six years.

We monitor the action plan annually as part of the annual monitoring report.

Flooding steering group (FSG)

The flooding steering group helps us develop flooding documents. If you want to get involved in the group or take part in our retrofitting SuDs project contact  [email protected].

FSG minutes and useful documents

Minutes FSG October 2011

Minutes FSG July 2012

Minutes FSG July 2013




Last updated: 29 November 2019