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Share your best Carnival memories

3 August 2020

Celebrate Notting Hill Carnival online this year and share your best Carnival memories with the hashtag #MyBestCarnival.

Foodbanks stay stocked with Council and partner deliveries

31 July 2020

Foodbanks and community kitchens are staying well-stocked thanks to regular deliveries from the Council and its partners. 

Active travel plans confirmed with extra £300,000

30 July 2020

Half a million pounds worth of active travel improvements confirmed, after the Council invests an extra £300k, more than doubling Transport for London funding.

Report suspicions to help protect vulnerable children this summer

30 July 2020

With fewer activities and services available to young people this summer, we must all do our bit to report the signs of child abuse.

Fast-tracked licencing to boost summer trading in Kensington and Chelsea

27 July 2020

Two new fast-tracked, temporary licences for outdoor furniture have been introduced in the borough to support an al fresco revolution.

Key Worker Pilot Scheme delivers affordable homes for local heroes

24 July 2020

A Key Worker Pilot Scheme providing affordable modern apartments for NHS and education staff in Kensington and Chelsea has been launched.

Statement from the Kensington & Chelsea Faith Communities Partnership on Black Lives Matter

23 July 2020

After the brutal murder of George Floyd, we stand united as faith organisations, joining together with people around the world, to declare that black lives matter. We believe that all humans are created by God as equal. As we are members together of one race, the human race, racism of any kind is evil.

Work on your summer physique at our reopened leisure centres

23 July 2020

Prepare to work on your summer body and hit the gym once again as Kensington Leisure Centre and Chelsea Sports Centre will begin a phased reopening on Saturday 25 July.

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