Estate Care

What is Estate Care?

From 1 October 2021, the communal cleaning service will be delivered in-house following the end of our contract with OCS Ltd.  This enables the Council to directly manage and control the service and respond flexibly to the need of residents. The cleaning staff from OCS joined RBKC and continue to work in your neighbourhoods; your Caretakers remain in their roles, monitoring estates and reporting faults.

In April 2022 we aim to deliver a new service called Estate Care.  Key benefits of Estate Care are the delivery of a responsive, site-specific cleaning service. Caretakers will be assigned to smaller, local patches, and accountable for keeping the shared spaces around your home clean and safe. 

The schedule of cleaning duties will cover internal and external cleaning of communal spaces, with added flexibility to attend to urgent matters as they occur. Residents can help shape the cleaning schedule by requesting tasks be added to the caretaking rota, including seasonal cleaning, overlooked areas or specific estate requests.

Repairs beyond the scope of Caretakers will be recorded on a mobile phone app called Service Connect which logs jobs directly to the Repairs Team. Information on the weekly cleaning schedules for each Estate will be printed and posted on your communal notice boards. 

There is a mobile service to attend to graffiti, bulk waste collection, and periodic deep cleaning. A new communal window cleaning service will be introduced from April 2022. 

The Council's aim is to provide an enhanced service that caters to the needs or you and your neighbours for cleaning and maintaining shared space around your blocks and homes. We will be publishing more detailed information on Estate Care following the completion of our re-structure.

Last updated: 13 December 2023