Open data and transparency
Suppliers, contracts, transactions, equalities information and staff data
As a public service organisation we are committed to transparency.
Inspection of Accounts
Information on our accounts which are subject to external audit and rights of the public and local government electors in this process.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Our equality objectives, workforce report and corporate equality policy.
Information on the Councillor-led statutory function within the Council, responsible for holding decision-makers to account
The Council’s management structure
The Council’s management team and structure.
Senior staff information
Senior staff pay including shared services with Hammersmith and Fulham and Westminster City Council.
Staff pay information 2011-12
Information about senior staff salaries from 2011 to 2012.
Senior staff pay 2009-10
Information about senior staff salaries from 2009 to 2010.
Census 2021
Information about Census 2021
Census 2011
Download Census 2011 profiles by ward including key statistics.
Council spending and finances
How the Council spends money including the statement of accounts and credit ratings.