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It's everyone's responsibility to report child abuse

1 May 2020

'Reporting child abuse is everyone's responsibility' says new RBKC and WCC campaign.

It's everyone's responsibility to report child abuse

1 May 2020

With children now seeing less adults due to the Government’s stay at home and social distancing guidelines, it is vital that you act on your suspicions.

Support worth more than £260 million given to businesses

1 May 2020

The Council has given out over £260 million worth of business rates relief, grants and support from its own Business Interruption Fund.

Drug users banned from vulnerable resident's flat thanks to Council action

30 April 2020

Drug users who took over a vulnerable council tenant’s flat have been prohibited from visiting the property thanks to anti-social behaviour action taken by Kensington and Chelsea Council.

Kensington Aldridge Academy student quizzes Council's Deputy Leader

30 April 2020

A year seven student from Kensington Aldridge Academy grilled Kensington and Chelsea Council’s Deputy Leader during an exclusive lockdown video interview.

Residents urged to beware of coronavirus scams

27 April 2020

Residents in Kensington and Chelsea are being reminded to be vigilant against fraudsters looking to take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keep active with Fit For Life Youth's free fitness videos

23 April 2020

Youngsters from Kensington and Chelsea and beyond can keep active during lockdown thanks to local man Chris Herbert’s free fitness videos.

Continued need for access - Gas safety checks and electrical testing in tenanted homes

23 April 2020

We know that some residents are concerned about work continuing during the Coronavirus pandemic. We want to reassure you that your health and safety remains of paramount importance to us.

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