Grenfell tragedy: Statements from the Council

Volunteers and donations

Guidance for response workers

British Red Cross shop for Grenfell 

The British Red Cross is helping to turn excess clothes donated for the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire into cash by selling them in its high-street shops.

‘Shop for Grenfell’ will see every penny raised from the sale of donated items in Red Cross stores go directly to help those affected by the fire.

For more info go to British Red Cross: Shop for Grenfell

Many thanks to those who have donated and offered to volunteer 

We want to thank all those who have made generous donations of accommodation, food, clothing and other items in response to the fire at Grenfell Tower. This has been thankfully received and our priority is to distribute what we can. 

We cannot take any more donations at this time.

Also we have received very nearly 10,000 emails to the Grenfellvolunteers email address from people offering to volunteer and help. We are now working through the list of volunteers and cannot process anymore for the time being. We would ask that people hold off offering to volunteer for now.

The Volunteer Centre is kindly helping us to process all the offers and we will be updating this page when we can accept offers of volunteering again.

Last updated: 22 February 2023