Your Council Tax and Business Rates for 2024-25 and our performance and spending plans

The Council’s Services – A Snapshot

The following shows a snapshot of the Council's Services budget for the 2024 to 2025 period.

Children’s services

Thirty-five million pounds (£35m) will be spent on supporting looked after children, care leavers and vulnerable children. Including early intervention, families in need and support.

Housing and Social Investment

Eleven million nine hundred thousand pounds (£11.9m) will support over 2,100 households in temporary accommodation and £5.5m will fund Supporting People services (for example, supported housing to help people remain in their own homes).


Eighty-three million two hundred thousand pounds (£83.2m) will go directly to 30 schools for the education of approximately 13,000 pupils.

Public Health

Twenty-three million three hundred thousand pounds (£23.3m) will be used to fund a range of statutory services. These include: NHS Health Checks, sexual health services and health visitors, and a range of non-statutory services, such as behaviour change and childhood obesity, air quality and youth violence. All are aimed at reducing the health inequalities gap in the borough.

Communities and Chief Executive

Nine million eight hundred thousand pounds (£9.8m) will be spent on registrars, community engagement, community safety, economic development and supporting the voluntary and community sector.

Environment and Neighbourhoods

Eighty-four million seven hundred thousand pounds (£84.7m) will be spent on 2 leisure centres, 2 museums, collection of waste from over 97,000 households and borough roads, parks, and footpaths.


Five million seven hundred thousand pounds (£5.7m) will be  supporting the Grenfell Recovery.

Adult Social Care

Seventy six million two hundred thousand pounds (£76.2m) will be spent on providing social care services to approximately 1,574 people in Kensington and Chelsea.


Three million seven hundred thousand pounds (£3.7m) will provide on-going support for residents with cost-of-living pressures. Of this there is an estimated £1.7m to pay an additional payment of £100 to low-income households who are in receipt of certain benefits.

Last updated: 8 March 2024