Performance and spending plans for 2023-24

Council Tax for 2022-23

As the local Council, Kensington and Chelsea provides schools, social care services, youth services, libraries, waste collection and street cleaning, leisure services, parks, parking and many other local services. Most of the council tax we collect from you is to pay for services and further details are set out here.

For 2022/23 the Council has chosen to increase the main element of Council Tax by 0.99 per cent and to charge an additional 1 per cent precept to fund increased costs for providing Adult Social Care (ASC) services.

The Council also collects money through Council Tax on behalf of the Greater London Authority (GLA).

This table below shows how Council Tax is broken down for a Band D property.

  RBKC GLA Total
Band D Council Tax for 2021-22 £949.94 £363.66 £1,313.60
Increase in RBKC Council Tax 0.99% £9.44   £9.44
Increase in Adult Social Care Precept 1%  £9.50   £9.50
Increase in GLA Precept 8.78%    £31.93 £31.93
Band D Council Tax for 2022-23 £968.88 £395.59 £1,364.47

Calculating the Kensington and Chelsea Council Tax Increase 

To calculate the Adult Social Care (ASC) percentage increase, it is necessary to show the ASC increase as a percentage of the total amount due to RBKC.  To do this, we need to add the previous year’s Kensington and Chelsea precept to the Adult Social Care precept less the GLA precept. For a Band D property this is: 

£865.36 + £84.58 = £949.94 

The increase for the RBKC precept is 0.994%. 

The increase is calculated by multiplying the total precepts above, by 0.994% and then adding this onto last year’s Kensington and Chelsea precept. 

£949.94 x 0.994% = £9.44 

Last Year’s Kensington and Chelsea Precept = £865.36 

New Kensington and Chelsea Precept = £874.80 (£865.36 + £9.44)

Adult Social Care Increase

This is calculated by using the same method above.  The starting point is to calculate the total amount due to RBKC for the previous financial year. 

£865.36 + £84.58 = £949.94 

The increase for the Adult Social Care precept is 1% 

The total precept, £949.94 is increased by 1% and added to last year’s Adult Social Care Precept. 

£949.94 x 1% = £9.4994 – Rounded to £9.50

Last Year’s Adult Social Care Precept = £84.58 

New Adult Social Care Precept = £94.08 (£84.58 + £9.50) 

Council Tax by property band for 2022-23

The following table shows the breakdown of how much council tax is payable for each band of property for 2022/23. For some properties the Council also collects garden square levies. The GLAs explanation of its spending and tax can be found on the Greater London Authority and other services page.

Band Kensington and Chelsea ASC Precept Total RBKC Council Tax Greater London Authority Total Council Tax
A £583.20 £62.72 £645.92 £263.73 £909.65
B £680.40 £73.17 £753.57 £307.68 £1,061.25
C £777.60 £83.63 £861.23 £351.64 £1,212.87
D £874.80 £94.08 £968.88 £395.59 £1,364.47
E £1,069.20 £114.99 £1,184.19 £483.50 £1,667.69
F £1,263.60 £135.89 £1,399.49 £571.41 £1,970.90
G £1,458.00 £156.80 £1,614.80 £659.32 £2,274.12
H £1,749.60 £188.16 £1,937.76 £791.18 £2,728.94

Last updated: 22 February 2023