Full Council Meeting Responses - 24 April 2019


What measures are being taken to address the anti-social noise and speeding issues in the Borough?

Speaker: Diana Randall

Many thanks for your question to Full Council, where you raised an important issue for residents particularly in Brompton and Hans Town ward and elsewhere in the borough. I am pleased to note that the Council is actively working on this issue in a resident led working group. We are looking at innovative ways to tackle your concerns, in partnership with residents and other key local stakeholders. I undertook to take a closer interest in the matter going forward, too, and welcome the work of dedicated ward Councillors Idris, McVeigh and Weale for taking a lead on this issue.

Following feedback from residents in the recent and useful session, I have asked officers to produce a report which will determine the feasibility of these ideas and come up with something that can help alleviate this issue in a measured way. I will ensure that this report is fed back to you with the detailed list of options available.

The impact of the cycle highway on Holland Park Avenue

Speakers: Danny Lidgate and David Lidgate

Many thanks for your question to Full Council, which detailed your sincere objections to TfL’s proposed West London Cycleway. As I set out in my response at Full Council, we have sought to proactively engage with local residents and stakeholders in recent weeks in relation to TfL’s plans. We want to listen to as wide a range of voices as possible before coming to a view on the proposals. I am confident, having spoken directly to you a number of times about this subject in recent weeks, that you appreciate just how important it is for the Council to consult widely before stating a position.

I certainly recognise that many local residents and businesses, including some from the ward I represent, Holland, have serious concerns about various aspects of the TfL proposals, including the potential loss of trees and the potential impact on local businesses. It is right that we should urge TfL to respond to residents’ feedback, and it is right that we should urge TfL to work with us to revise its designs, in order to address points that have been raised.

The consultation period ends on 16 June and we want all interested residents and stakeholders to have their say. We will then review responses to the consultation in due course and come to a view on the plans.  

We are also happy to announce that there will be a resident led conference on 13 June with TfL to discuss the proposals and relay resident concerns.




Last updated: 22 February 2023