Safeguarding, Looked After Children and Leaving care useful contacts

Here you will find useful contacts for issues regarding Safeguarding, Looked After Children and Leaving Care.

Locality Teams

Leaving Care and Unaccompanied Minors Team

The Unaccompanied Minors and Independence Support Team (UMIST) is based in the Malton Road Hub just off Ladbroke Grove beside the Ladbroke Grove Tube Station.  They provide services for unaccompanied asylum seeking children or separated children under the age of 18 who are looked after and those former looked after children between 18 and 25 years of age that do not have an allocated worker from one of the Locality Teams.

Virtual Schools and Virtual Schools Enrichment Programme

Virtual Schools contact:

  • Matthew Blood - Tri borough Virtual School Head for Looked After Children and Care Leavers
  • Email: [email protected]

Virtual Schools Enrichment Programme contact:

  • Si Wharton - Enrichment Programme Coordinator
  • Telephone: 07739 316998
  • Email: [email protected]

Families Forward

Families Forward is the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s Edge of Care service. They are an intervention service working intensively with families experiencing complex difficulties that are currently receiving support from a social work team. They work with families in the home and local community to help improve family relationships and reduce risks to children. 

For the Families Forward team, you can email: 

The Looked After Children’s Health Team

The Looked After Children’s Health Team consists of specialist doctors and nurses who are responsible for ensuring that a looked after child has access to services as required by the individual. 

In addition to offering health assessments to looked after children and young people they also offer support, signposting, and health promotion to stakeholders involved with looked after children such as professionals and the children themselves. 

You can contact the team on:

Raising Concerns and Complaints

If at any time you are unhappy about any aspect of a child’s care it is advised that you first try and resolve things with the social worker. If you feel that this has been unsuccessful, please speak with the Independent Reviewing Officer, (IRO) or the social worker’s manager.

If you are still not satisfied, you can consider making a formal complaint, by contacting:

  • Address: Customer Relationship Team - Tri-borough Children’s Services. Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The Town Hall, Hornton Street. London, W8 7NX
  • Telephone: 0207 745 6501

Last updated: 24 January 2020