Looked after children and leaving care


Looked after children

Looked after children (LAC) are under 18 and have been provided with care and accommodation by Family Services.

Leaving care

Find out which care leaving services you might be eligible for.

About Virtual Schools

Find out more about virtual schools and how they can help children who are looked after or leaving care

Safeguarding, Looked After Children and Leaving care useful contacts

Here you will findĀ useful contacts for issues regarding Safeguarding, Looked After Children and Leaving Care.

Advocacy, participation and volunteer services

The service offers a range of participation activities including advocacy and enrichment activities for children in care and care leavers.

Local Offer for Care Leavers

Information about all the support we can offer you as a care leaver.

Our Pledge To Looked After Children and Care Leavers

All you need to know about support, care and opportunities available to Looked After Children and Care Leavers from the Council.