Participation in Society
In Kensington & Chelsea we want our care leavers to be active members of society and to have all the chances in life that other young adults have. Your opinions matter to us; they help influence how services are delivered to you and how Kensington and Chelsea’s Children’s Services can further develop their practice.
We can help you participate in society in the following ways:
The Youth Ken Group
Also known as the Care Leavers forum for 16+ Children and Young People - as well as Future Union for 8 - 15 year olds (Children in Care Council) gives you the opportunity to have your voice heard and make suggestions on the services you receive. You can meet Council Leaders and Assistant Directors and speak to them about how to improve things for children and young people who are ‘looked after’ or care leavers.
Participation and advocacy newsletter
The participation and advocacy service also produces a 6 weekly newsletter which will tell you about a range of groups to help you get involved in fun activities and give access to training and work experience opportunities.