Penalty Notice Handbook

Letter proformas

Approval of Authorised Leave Application Letter


Dear xxx,

Thank you for your letter regarding permission to take xx out of school for the purposes of …………………………………….. from xx to xx.

I have considered your application for leave for xx days and this absence will be authorised for the following reasons:

Whilst I have authorised this leave for a period of xx days please note that any absence beyond the xx days will be considered unauthorised and you may be subject to a Penalty Notice issued by the Local Authority on your return, incurring a fine of £60 per child. I have included a leaflet about this which has been issued by the Local Authority in response to parents who take their children out of school during term time.

I hope you enjoy your leave and look forward to seeing xx back in school on xx.

Yours sincerely,

xxx Head teacher



Refusal of Leave of Absence Application Letter




Dear xxx,

Thank you for your letter regarding your permission to take xx out of school for the purposes ……………………………………. From xx to xx.

I have considered your application and regret to inform you that your application for leave has not been granted for the following reasons: 

Your child’s/children’s attendance is below 95% this academic year. 

It is in the school’s attendance policy not to authorise holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. I am unable to authorise this holiday as the reasons stated on your application form are not deemed as exceptional.

xxx has already taken 10 days leave this academic year. 

Your request is for an important time of the academic year where students in your child’s year group will be sitting exams.

I must warn you if you decide to take your children out of school for this period you may be issued with a Penalty Notice.

  • £60.00 – if paid within 21 days of issue
  • £120.00 – if paid within 28 days of issue

I have included a leaflet about this which has been issued by the Local Authority in response to parents who take their children out of school during term time.

Yours sincerely,

xxx Head teacher



PN Letter to Parents following Unauthorised Leave




Dear xxx,

I write regarding your child’s recent unauthorised absence from xx to xx. As you are aware, leave in term time is not permitted without the permission of the Head teacher as taking children out of school during term time disrupts their school routine and learning.

Despite being informed of the school’s policy and consequences for doing so you chose to continue to take xx on leave during term time without authorisation. As such you are now being referred for a Penalty Notice under Sec. 444a. of the Education Act (1996) for failing to ensure the regular attendance of your child(ren).

The Penalty Notice is being requested in line with the Code of Conduct administered by (name of Council). If accepted, the notice will be sent to you in due course at which time details regarding the payment will be explained.

We thank you for your support in ensuring that your child is not absent from school during term time in future.

Yours sincerely,

xxx Head teacher



Persistent Absenteeism




Dear Parent / Carer,

The Registers at xx ‘school’ show that your child has missed more than a day of school each week on average, without good reason, over the last half term. You, as parent, are legally responsible under Section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996, for ensuring that your child attends school regularly. As such you are now being referred for a Penalty Notice under Sec. 444 of the Education Act (1996) for failing to ensure the regular attendance of your child(ren).

The Penalty Notice is being requested in line with the Code of Conduct administered by the Local Authority. If accepted, a warning letter will be sent, whereby a 15-day monitoring period would be set in order to give you an opportunity to improve your child’s attendance and avoid a subsequent fine. Should your child have 5 or more sessions of unauthorised absence during the 15-day monitoring period, a Penalty Notice will be issued. Once issued, a PN incurs a fine of £60.00 rising to £120.00 per child if not paid within 21 days.

Please take steps to make sure your child gets to school on time every day, and to obtain a Medical Certificate if he/she is too ill to attend. Any other reason for absence should be discussed with the school and it is the School’s decision whether to authorise any absence that is not covered by medical evidence.

We thank you for your support in ensuring that your child is not absent from school during term time.

Yours sincerely,

xxx Head teacher 

Last updated: 22 February 2023