Golborne Road Consultation
Golborne Road Improvements
The Golborne Road Improvement Scheme is the culmination of lengthy discussions with the local community.
In November 2014 the Council set up a working group, consisting of members of the Golborne Forum, the Golborne Association and independent residents and retailers, to develop proposals for Golborne Road. The Group looked at the street, identifying what they liked, what they didn’t like, what they wanted to keep and what they wanted to change. Working together with the Group, we developed proposals to address the current problems, such as the drainage and lighting, whilst still retaining Golborne Road’s unique character.
The scheme that emerged from this process will retain the existing carriageway widths and add new trees to help improve air quality. To improve drainage the parking area/market stall area will be raised to footway level and paved in high quality hard-wearing natural stone. The footways will also be repaved. There will be minor changes to the configuration of the market bays to align them with the pay and display bays. Parking bays on the approach to the bridge will also be adjusted for consistency and to improve visual connectivity and raised tables will help to reduce the speed of traffic and improve accessibility for pedestrians. Full details of the scheme are shown on this plan.
With the Golborne Working Group’s agreement we consulted the local community on these proposals. Consultation packs outlining the scheme were sent to all residents and businesses in the Golborne ward, plus the market traders with pitches on Golborne Road. 75 per cent of those who were consulted were in agreement and the scheme was given approval in January 2016. See the key decision report.
Detailed design of the scheme has been completed and preliminary work to install the new lamp columns is well underway. The main works have been programmed to start on 12 September 2016. The Advanced Warning letter is shown below for information; this also includes the proposed sequencing plan showing how we intend to implement the works.
The work to improve Golborne Road is progressing well and we hope that you are pleased with the results.
We are now reaching the final stages of the scheme which include the introduction of raised carriageway tables at the Golborne Road junctions with Portobello Road, Bevington Road and Wornington Road and resurfacing of the carriageway between Portobello Road and the Golborne Rail Bridge. For safety reasons it will be necessary to close the side roads whilst the raised tables are being constructed, with local diversion routes put in place for traffic. Golborne Road will remain open with traffic controlled via temporary traffic signals.
The final phase of the scheme will include the resurfacing of Golborne Road itself. This will take place between 19 to 23 June 2017. During this final portion of work, it will be necessary to close Golborne Road to vehicular traffic between 8am and 6pm, pedestrian access will be maintained throughout. The resurfacing will be split into two phases. The first phase of resurfacing will extend from Wornington Road to the Golborne Road rail bridge. The second phase will extend from Bevington Road to Wornington Road.
The resurfacing of Golborne Road is the culmination of a 10-month construction programme to improve the public realm. The Council would like to take this opportunity to thank local residents, retailers and traders for their patience and cooperation throughout the works.
Last updated: 29 November 2019