Delegated powers and planning committees

The Planning Applications Committee is a public meeting made up of elected Councillors who meet regularly to decide whether certain planning applications should be approved or refused. Most planning applications can be determined by the Executive Director using his delegated powers. However, a small percentage cannot and must be presented to the Planning Applications Committee for them to consider the Officer's recommendations and decide whether the proposed development is acceptable or not.

Most applications start life as delegated cases. Through the consideration of the issues certain applications must transfer from being delegated cases to being committee cases. The Committee decides those applications where:

  • there have been three or more objections and the Executive Director for Planning and Borough Development is recommending that planning permission should be granted
  • in most cases where a section 106 agreement is proposed
  • an elected Member has requested that the application be considered by Committee
  • the Executive Director for Planning and Borough Development has decided that the application should be considered by the Committee
  • an application is contrary to the Council’s planning policies and the Executive Director’s recommendation is to grant permission

Please see the Planning Applications Committee page for further information and meeting dates.

Last updated: 29 November 2019