Summary of public consultation
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Public exhibition sessions and drop-in workshops were held at various times from Tuesday 10 to Thursday 19 September 2013.
A summary report of all the feedback received during the consultation is available below. The exhibition boards and consultation leaflet are contained in the appendices, along with a full record of consultation responses.
The summary report and appendices are available below.
Consultation summary report - September 2013 [PDF] (file size 681Kb)
Appendix A1 leaflet questionnaire [PDF] (warning: large file size 3.14Mb)
Appendix A2 questionnaire responses (off line) [PDF] (file size 718Kb)
Appendix A3 letters attached to questionnaires [PDF] (warning: large file size 3.01Mb)
Appendix B1 questionnaire responses (online) [PDF] (file size 246Kb)
Appendix B2 extended text from online questionnaires [PDF] (file size 265Kb)
Appendix C1a welcome exhibition board [PDF]
Appendix C1b identity exhibition boards [PDF] (file size: 2.37Mb)
Appendix C1c public realm exhibition boards [PDF] (file size: 1.65Mb)
Appendix C1d built form exhibition boards [PDF] (file size: 2.23Mb)
Appendix C1e priorities exhibition board [PDF] (file size: 51Kb)
Appendix C2.0 NHGLG comments [PDF] (file size 99Kb)
Appendix C2.1a workshop notes - identity [PDF] (file size 144Kb)
Appendix C2.1b workshop notes - public realm and built form [PDF] (file size 453Kb)
Appendix C2.2 exhibition board comments [PDF] (file size 203Kb)
Appendix C2.3 written comments [PDF] (file size 110Kb)
Appendix C3 photographs of exhibition boards [PDF] (file size 749Kb)
Previous public workshops
To inform the production of the development brief, public workshops were held focusing on the discussion of key topics for improving the district centre.
The first workshop was held at 6:30pm on Thursday 6 December 2012 at Kensington Town Hall in Committee Room 1. This was an introductory workshop to explore aspirations for Notting Hill Gate. You can view a summary of the workshop below.
Workshop 1 summary - aspirations for Notting Hill Gate [PDF] (file size 101Kb)
The second workshop was held at 6.30pm on Monday 4 February 2013 at Kensington Town Hall in Committee Room 1. The workshop discussions were about land use and building form principles. The workshop summary is available below.
Workshop 2 summary – land use and building form principles [PDF] (file size 31Kb)
A vision for improving Notting Hill Gate is set out in Chapter 16 of the Council’s Core Strategy. The development brief will build on this vision to establish principles and guidelines for future development. The link below provides some background information.
Map of land ownership [PDF] (file size 2.56Mb)
Last updated: 29 November 2019