The housing register

Accessible housing

Social housing in the Royal Borough is assessed as to how accessible it is, for example whether it has level access, has steps or any adaptations such as a level access shower or stair-lift. The properties are assessed according to building design guidance.

They are then allocated one of five categories.

If you have a health and disability assessment, you should receive a letter telling you what type of property we recommend as suitable for you.

How does the Council allocate accessible housing?

When a property becomes vacant the category description and other access information is displayed on the Home Connections website and weekly property advertisement sheets. Disabled and older applicants will be able to identify properties that might be suitable for them and place a bid. Some accessible properties are offered directly to the applicant in the highest need for that property type. You will still need to view the property and be advised by one of the Council’s housing occupational therapists (OTs) as to its suitability before accepting a tenancy. In some cases, we suggest that an OT views the property with you.

What happens if there are no properties being advertised in the category I need?

There is a limited stock of more accessible properties in the borough. You may need to widen your preferred location or consider other properties that can be adapted for you. The Housing Health & Disability Team can support you to bid for and view properties and advise you what adaptations can be made.

Property accessibility categories



Category A:

Wheelchair accessible

  • Person requires fully wheelchair accessible accommodation to and throughout the property.
  • Person may use a large wheelchair and requires more generous space standards for wheelchair circulation or specialist equipment.

Category C:

Step-free with wider doorways and corridors

  • Person requires step-free accommodation with generous corridor widths as may use a standard size or attendant propelled wheelchair, a mobility aid (walking frame) indoors and/or a wheelchair outdoors.
  • May be able to access another level of the property with a stair-lift.
  • May be outdoor electric wheelchair / scooter user, but ambulant indoors
  • May have progressive neurological condition and have a degree of mobility impairment, which is likely to deteriorate in near future.
  • May be ambulant and obese and need wider doorways and corridors.

Category E:

Step-free accommodation

  • Person is able to mobilise but requires step-free accommodation, may use a walking stick indoors and a frame occasionally.
  • Person may be able to manage one to two steps but requires an OT assessment/accompanied viewing.

Category E+:

Minimal steps

  • Person is able to manage a limited number of steps (up to six).
  • Person could also consider properties with more than six steps but requires OT assessment / accompanied viewings.

Category F:

General needs

  • Person is able to manage at least one flight of stairs. If there are evidenced limitations on ability to manage several flights of stairs or other evidenced reasons to specify maximum floor level, this recommendation will be specified on the Outcome letter / application.

How to find out more

For more information please contact us:

By post: Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, Housing Health & Disability Team, Housing Needs, The Town Hall, Hornton Street, W8 7NX

By telephone: 020 7361 3008

By email: [email protected].

Alternatively further information can be found on the Home Connections website.

Download the London Accessible Housing Register good practice guide for social landlords

Last updated: 20 February 2023