Tenancy Fraud campaign launched to recover council homes to help those in genuine need

Published: Friday 10 September 2021

The Council has announced a two-month long ‘key amnesty’ where people illegally renting out their council home can hand back their property with no repercussions. The amnesty will run alongside a campaign raising awareness of tenancy fraud. 

Tenancy fraud is when someone living in social housing rents out their property for personal profit, or claims to still be living there when, in fact, they have moved out.

Since 2015, the Council has stopped over 250 tenancy and housing frauds resulting in over 150 properties being re-allocated, but with a growing waiting list and temporary accommodation costs reaching a national average of £18,000 per year per household, more needs to be done to ensure Council homes are available to individuals and families most in need. 

Cllr Kim Taylor-Smith, Lead Member for Grenfell, Housing, and Social Investment, said:

“Tenancy Fraud denies individuals and families on the housing waiting list a place to call home.  

“We are appealing to those in the community that may have any information about tenancy fraud to report what they know, but most importantly, those who are committing tenancy fraud, to hand back their keys. 

“With a current waiting list of over 3,000 individuals and families in genuine need, it’s vital we recover our properties from anyone abusing the system.”  

Hand back your keys 

Renting out your Council-owned home without permission is a criminal offence and carries a maximum prison sentence of 2 years. Between 8 September and 29 October 2021, if you are illegally renting your Council-owned home or no longer living there, you can hand back your keys with no repercussions. 

Keys can be handed in at the following locations and should be placed in an envelope with the property address on:
•    The Hub, Kensal Road, W10 5BE
•    12 Blantyre Street, Worlds End Estate, SW10 0DR
•    Baseline Studios, Whitchurch Road, W11 4AT

The Council will then be able to reallocate the property to those in genuine need on the housing waiting list.

Concerned about tenancy fraud in your area?

If you have any information or concerns about a property that you think could be being rented out for personal profit, or is uninhabited, you can phone 07739 970 860 or email [email protected]. Your information will be kept confidential. 

Signs to look out for include:
•    Different people moving in and out of a property on a regular basis.
•    Someone collecting rent directly from your neighbours, or your neighbours paying their rent in cash.
•    Your neighbours are confused or don’t seem to know who their landlord is.
•    Your neighbour seems to be absent from the property for long periods of time.