Shop to give back to your local community

Published: Monday 2 August 2021

Your monthly shop could be working harder to protect the environment and give back to your community. The Society Company (SoCo) is a new grocery delivery service enabling residents to reduce their plastic waste while supporting local initiatives. Not only do they package their dried goods in paper packaging (ready for recycling) they also collect customers' empty bottles to be refilled for the next delivery. 

SoCo is supporting The Pantry, a new partnership between the Council, Venture Centre and local housing providers which offers a reduced-cost shop to people in Kensington and Chelsea who need support to afford their weekly shop. For every £1 spent by Kensington and Chelsea residents at SoCo, 15p will be donated towards the running and longevity of The Pantry. 

There’s a direct link between the money you spend on your household’s shop and aid provided to real people in your community. 


Find out more about the Society Company and browse their online store.

To find out more about The Pantry or to query whether you would be eligible to benefit from a reduced-cost shop at The Pantry, email [email protected]