Resident-led panel helps shape fund for Grenfell community projects

Published: Tuesday 21 December 2021

Grenfell Projects Fund resident-led panel


North Kensington residents are playing a leading role in shaping the future of a fund for projects supporting the Grenfell-affected community.

Eleven volunteers have assembled a Resident-Led Panel to shape the second Grenfell Projects Fund, which provides financial backing for projects for those affected by the tragedy.

Panel members are involved in everything from helping to create application and submission guidance, streamlining project categories and deciding how best to promote the Fund across North Kensington. The work the residents carry out will contribute towards the completion of a CPD-accredited course for a Community Grants Training Programme.

Panel member Leearna Oliffe said:

“There were some fantastic projects that got through the first round of the Grenfell Projects Fund that have done great work in the community. However, due to quite a number of projects withdrawing that, in my view, would have received the much-needed funding, this sadly resulted in projects that wouldn't necessarily have gained the public vote being funded. 


“This is why I felt it was important to become part of the Resident-led Panel for the second round, as after following the process closely, I feel that as residents, we are best placed to ensure that the funds allocated go towards the best and most sustainable projects.”

Speaking about what she hopes to achieve on the Panel, Leearna added:

“I’ve lived in the borough for 40 years so it’s really important to me that the Fund invests in projects and initiatives that intend to support long-term independent growth in North Kensington aimed specifically at resident well-being.


“We know what will help the community to maintain its strength moving forward and we’ve already had a positive impact on the Fund so far.” 

Cllr Anne Cyron, Lead Member for Communities, said:

“Having residents oversee the second round of the Fund is very important. We’re intent on making sure that North Kensington’s recovery is community-led and the Residents-led Panel will play a big part in this by shaping the application stages and shortlisting projects for the public vote.


“The Grenfell Projects Fund was initially created to give a financial boost to projects that will have a positive impact on the local area, so it’s only right that residents are at the heart of the selection process.


“On top of this, the Panel will also equip members with skills and experience that can be utilised in the future and contribute towards their own personal development as well as the community’s.”