Resident invited to comment on New Local Plan for future developments

Published: Wednesday 4 August 2021

The Council is asking residents, property developers and businesses to have their say on how planning policies are working and what should change.

The response for this consultation will affect areas including, town centres, housing, environment, culture and heritage, education, health and care, economy and transport.

Last year, we consulted on issues that are important and should be covered in the New Local Plan Review. This is the second stage of public influence on the Local Plan and takes into account previous feedback which included:

  • Narrowing inequality and providing more affordable housing
  • Putting green issues at the heart of all new development
  • Providing support for our existing cultural attractions like shops, theatres, museums, events, festivals and markets

These responses have already presented new areas for future development which are included in the second consultation. We have reflected the issues above in our vision for the Local Plan.

The document suggests proposed areas of change which include:

  • A high quality Canalside neighbourhood in Kensal
  • New homes in Golborne
  • A vibrant urban quarter in Earl’s Court
  • An option for meanwhile open space at Cremorne Wharf

How residents respond will help shape planning and development over the next 20 years.

The documents and response form can be found online on our Planning Consultation Hub. Participants should complete the form available online and email it to [email protected]