North Ken residents to manage new Curve Legacy Fund

Published: Thursday 11 November 2021

Grenfell-affected residents will get to decide how a new Curve Legacy Fund, designed to fund projects that serve the North Kensington community, will be spent.
The news comes following a consultation about the future of The Curve with the community earlier this year, in which North Kensington residents opted to set up a new Fund and Community Trust to ensure a lasting legacy for years to come.
This £1.3m Curve Legacy Fund, originally allocated for Curve services delivered out of Bard Road, will be overseen by the Community Trust. The new Community Trust will comprise members of the North Kensington community. 
Earlier this year a ‘Community Conversation’ took place to discuss the future of The Curve after confirmation that the lease for the current Curve building on Bard Road ends in July 2022. The conversation asked how the community wanted the Curve’s remaining budget to be spent after 2022.
We are grateful to everyone who contributed their time and views participating in:

  • A range of in person and online workshops and 

  • Community events like the Lancaster West Future Neighbourhood Community Day and the Grenfell Community Assembly

An online survey was also launched with paper copies posted out to households across North Kensington.
A total of 218 residents took part in the consultation which included 167 responses to the survey. The most popular preference was the creation of a Curve Legacy Fund, with 30 per cent of respondents choosing this option. 
The second most popular choice, supported by 22 per cent of respondents, was the Curve Board Governor’s Community Trust proposal. 
Following discussions with the Curve’s Board of Governors (BoG), we will form a resident-led Steering Group to support the implementation of the consultation results.

Cllr Anne Cyron, Lead Member for Communities said:

“From the consultation results we have heard that the community want to take ownership of how the remaining Curve budget is spent. We know that North Kensington residents are leading their own recovery and know best what the community needs. We will do all we can to support this. 
“We will work with the resident-led steering group to establish the Community Trust and Legacy Fund to ensure the legacy of the centre is preserved and, the remaining Curve funding spent on projects based on the community’s needs. I would like to thank everyone who took part in the Community Conversation and gave up their time to give us their views.”