New £2.9m fund opens for community projects

Published: Wednesday 24 June 2020

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People can apply now for a share of £2.9m to run projects and initiatives in their neighbourhood in Kensington and Chelsea.

The funding pot – known as the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy – has been created from payments by developers, who are required to put some money aside for local communities in the areas they build. The Council collects and manages this fund.

Earlier this year, the Council asked residents how funding through the levy should be spent. Around 600 people gave their views and the top boroughwide priorities included air quality, policing and emergency services, parks and open spaces, streetscape and community safety. People can apply to the fund for projects ranging from community planting and gardens to campaigns to tackle crime. Given the local response to Covid-19, people may also want to apply to the fund for new and existing projects that support local residents and the economy in the wake of the pandemic.

Cllr Johnny Thalassites, lead member for planning, said:

“Developers want to invest in our unique borough and as a result we now have this new pot of money for communities to fund projects that matter to them locally.

“Our borough knows the power of community. During the pandemic, we have seen innovation and community spirit contributing hugely to keeping each other safe.

Whether it’s ideas to make our streets greener or to help keep crime low, it’s another source of support for our neighbourhoods as we begin to move into a new normal post Covid-19.”

Residents and residents’ associations, local community groups, registered charities, infrastructure providers and community interest companies can all apply for a share of the multi-million pound pot by submitting an application form to Kensington and Chelsea Council.

Applications will be assessed by officers and shared with local councillors, who will make the final decisions on awarding money to projects in their ward.

Applications are open from Wednesday 24 June until Wednesday 19 August. To find out more or download an application form visit