New potential sites for Council homes revealed

Published: Thursday 26 November 2020

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Silchester Arches and Barlby have been named as the latest proposed sites for stage two of the Council’s New Homes Delivery Programme (NHDP).

The sites, which are both in North Kensington, join Edenham as potential locations for some of the planned 600 new Council-owned homes in the borough.

Details of the Barlby Road and Silchester Arches sites have been added to the NHDP section of the Council’s website, including video presentations outlining the local areas and information about the consultation process which will allow residents and stakeholders to have their say.

Community members will be able to join online video chats to hear more about both sites and ask questions of the NHDP team. They can also share their views via an online feedback form from now until the end of the first consultation period on Thursday 7 January 2021

The New Homes Delivery Programme will see the Council build 600 new homes on land it owns in the borough, with a minimum of 300 available at social rent. The programme will be completed without the loss of any existing homes.

Planning permission for the four sites in stage one of the programme was granted earlier this year, with construction due to begin in 2021.