Let’s Talk About The Curve

Published: Wednesday 18 August 2021

We’ve launched a community conversation to ask the North Kensington community to help decide the future of The Curve.

The lease for The Curve Community Centre’s current premises, on Bard Road, is due to come to an end in June 2022. This means that services will no longer be delivered from this site from when the lease ends.

The Curve’s Board of Governors aspiration is to ensure that the remaining Curve budget of £1.3M is used to support those most affected by the Grenfell tragedy, with a much stronger connection to new and innovative initiatives that help the community to thrive.

We therefore want to have a conversation with residents affected by Grenfell to hear your aspirations for the future of The Curve, while always remembering how The Curve came about and what it stands for.

We’ll be holding virtual and face-to-face workshops and focus groups and attending local community events to ensure we hear from a broad range of residents.

We have also launched an online survey and will have printed surveys available for those who are unable to access the online survey. A suggestion box will be available at The Curve for the community to provide their views. Translated copies of the survey will also be available.

This is a great opportunity for the North Kensington community to shape, lead and deliver future Curve community services and to cement The Curve’s legacy.

What do to now

  1. Take the survey online – it takes less than 10 minutes!
  2. Come to one of our ‘Let’s talk about The Curve’ face-to-face or virtual workshops. More details will be published on our website.
  3. Sign up to The Curve Board of Governors. Find out more on our Board of Governors web page.

Take the survey, sign up for Curve updates and find out more here: https://consult.rbkc.gov.uk/communities/curve

What is The Curve

The Curve is a community centre that originally provided emergency support for those affected by the Grenfell tragedy. Over time, and with hard work from the community, the services have changed to provide one-to-one information advice and guidance; basic skills classes; language classes; and social events and activities for the residents of North Kensington, in line with your needs.

If you would like to find out more about The Curve Community Conversation or request a copy of the survey in another language please call 07940 059596 or email [email protected] or [email protected]